Category: 2012 Series

Caleb Musgrave | History and Legends of the Native Americans | April 12-2012

Caleb Musgrave is Ojibway (native American/1st Nation) who lives in Canada. He is an author of horror fiction based on ancient tales of his people, tales that he puts into modern context. He is also a survival trainer. He talks about the ancient history and legends of his people and how they influence our lives in 2012, and how they apply to surviving whatever may come in 2012.

Dr. Courtney Brown | Base on Mars Part 1 | June 1-2012

Dr. Courtney Brown is founder of the Farsight Institute, a world renowned remote viewing research center. He talks about a genuine base on Mars, and describes its operations and describes its occupants. He also talks about what is coming up after December 2012.

William Warwick | Mayan Eders different View about 2012 | July 25-2012

William Warwick IV is a researcher, author, and speaker who has met with the Mayan elders to ask them, face to face, about 2012 and their prophecies. He says that the elders gave him quite a different view about what is coming the the popular myth that the Earth will end in December 2012.
