Category: Bigfoot

Jeffrey Gonzalez | June 17-2011

Jeffrey Gonzalez, Director of Sanger Paranormal Society, talks about his group getting astounding evidence for the reality of Bigfoot. He talks about the impression of a Bigfoot face on the window of his truck, and about the press conference he is holding to show the window to the media.

Tommy Hawksblood | June 28-2011

Tommy Hawksblood is part Native American and has spent many years learning for the Elders and shamans. He talks about UFOs, extraterrestrials, and Bigfoot from the perspective of the teachigns of the Elders. He also talks about finding a secret underground base where extraterrestrials are in residence.

Open Line Live | Nov. 25-2011

Open Line Live – Discussion of CSM James Norton’s mysterious death, and also the very unusual Bigfoot report given us last night by Sam Maranto. There is also discussion of the Russian Mars spacecraft that is “lost” in space, and the new NASA mars spacecraft that will launch this month. Kevin also reports on the new info out of Mexico about a second Mayan reference to December 21, 2012.

Glenn Kimball | Sept. 16-2008

Glenn Kimball is an ancient texts collector and expert. He says that the information contained in ancient texts depicts a history far different from what we are told. He tells of a letter Christopher Colombus wrote to Spain’s monarchs that tells of witnessing the native Americans killing a bigfoot. Glenn shares the description of the creature as written by Colombus.
