Micah Hanks
Courtney Brown
Jerry Wills
Greg Bishop
Brooks Agnew
Micah Hanks
Courtney Brown
Jerry Wills
Greg Bishop
Brooks Agnew
Klaus Dona
“Ancient Evidence of Giants in Americas”
William Michael Mott
“The Problem of Density Regarding Non-Human Encounters”
Don Ecker
“IS Somebody Else On The Moon?”
Adam Gorightly
“Sex, Drugs and UFOs”
Kevin Smith
“Mars: The Fading Fog”
Farah Yurdozu
“Beyond the Stargates with Farah Yordozu”
Walter Bosley
“The Hidden Landscape: In Plain Sight”
Michael Busby
“Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery”
Klaus Dona
“Ancient Evidence of Giants in Americas”
Kevin Smith
“Waves of UFO Perception Manipulation Operations & How to Detect Them”
Greg Bishop: Paranormal UFOs: The Human Element
Walter Bosley: The Hidden Landscape
Andrew Colvin: Men in Black: The Secret Terror Still Among Us
Kevin Smith: Lake Vostok – The Mysteries Just Keep Coming
Christopher O’Brien: UFOs, Abductions, Crop Circles,
Miracles & Mutilations: Whats the Connection?