Category: Mind Control

You Are Still Under Attack – NASA Media Manipulation | July 11-2012

You Are Still Under Attack – Kevin discusses that perception manipulation is a powerful type of mind control. He then shows how NASA is still doing it with the altered photos they release and he shows the actual pictures he is discussing. He also deals with an article published by Fox News and also carried on Discovery News where the headline misleads the reader about the article.

Dr. Gerald Epling | Developing Smart Phone App for Mind Control | Oct. 01-2012

Dr. Gerald Epling, a memory expert and researcher, talks about his mind control technology that he as turned into apps for smart phones. Kevin suggests an experiment to determine whether the technology is working on the mind or manipulating the consciousness field. What does Dr. Epling say about that?

James Walbert and Dr. John Hall | Jan. 03-2011

James Walbert & Dr. John Hall discuss the fact that James Walbert has been involuntarily implanted with a tracking chip. He has no knowledge of when and how the chip was implanted, but it has been verified by Dr. Hall’s review of an MRI. They speak about electronic harrassment happening in America.

Dr. Robert Duncan | Mar. 08-2011

Dr. Robert Duncan is one of the scientists who developed the high tech methods and technology for doing mind control at a distance. He has worked on projects for the CIA, Dept. of Defense, and Dept. of Justice. Dr. Duncan says he is opposed to the way these technologies are being used on American citizens and is trying to get the word out about what the technology is, how it affects people, and what can be done to protect against it.

James Walbert and David Larson | Apr. 12-2011

James Walbert and David Larson – These men talk about having been involuntarily “chipped” with implants. Both of them have taken it to court, and Walbert won his case at the local level. Both are now in Federal Court. Larson is an elected official at the county level and is suing the Federal Government, naming the Assistant Director of the CIA in his lawsuit.
