Daily Archive: March 22nd, 2014

Dr. Steven Greer | Jan. 22-2008

Dr. Steven Greer is the founder of the Disclosure Project. He discusses disclosure and where he thinks we are in the process. He is also the founder of AERO, a new company designed to bring alternative energy sources to market and discusses his plans to bring new energy sources to the masses

Charles Hall | Feb. 06-2008

Charles Hall is a nuclear physicist and computer expert with very high clearance. He served in the US Air Force in the Vietnam War era and was stationed at Indian Springs. He says there is a large extraterrestrial base there and that he got to know several of the extraterrestrials personally. He was able to observe their craft over a long period of time and has developed some theories about their propulsion systems. Hall is also the originator of the Hall Photon Theory.

Walter Bosley | Feb. 11-2008

Walter Bosley is a former Special Agent for the US Air Force Office of Special Investigations. He is now a researcher, author, and publisher. Bosley says that Disneyland was built where three Ley Lines intersect and that it may have been a conscious decision by the chief engineer whom Bosley believes would have had knowledge of the hyperdimensional or transdimensional possibilities posed by Ley Lines.

World Awash | Robert Kiviat | Feb. 14-2008

After a brief update by Robert Kiviat (television producer) on his research into moon anomalies and NASA, Kevin reveals some breaking news. He reveals that Dr. Michael Salla has published a report that says there was a secret emergency meeting at the United Nations by a secret UFO working grouop inside the U.N. The meeeting is alledged to have taken place on the morning of February 12 and resulted in a decision to begin acclimating the world to the fact that extraterrestrials are real and are interacting with the earth. According to Salla, his source says this release of information will accelerate toward 2013 when the group says the extraterrestrial presence will be unambiguous.


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