Daily Archive: March 25th, 2014
KSS | Freeman | 2011-08-31
Freeman is an award winning television producer, and the producer and host of freemantv and freemanradio. He is a noted and outspoken source of information of the alternative and estoric sort. He talks about the space war and what he believes is a connection between the Barak Obama family and the Ahkenaten (ancient Egyptian king) family. Strange stuff, but very interesting.
Kevin Smith | Seminar | Angels, Nephilim & Anunakki | Oct. 08-2011
Here are a few responses to the seminar on last Saturday called “Angels, Nephilim, & Anunakki”.
Annemarie (Canada)
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for your seminar, ” Angels, Nephilim and Anunnaki, WOW It always ammazes me how everythiing I thought I knew was totally wrong.I hope I don’t have to go to a wedding mass anytime soon, I’ll probably start giggling.
It makes me wonder what was tossed out as too controversial Thank you again- brilliant!!
Donna L. (USA)
I just watched your seminar Angels, Nephilim & Annakki. This show alone was worth more then the membership fee for two years.
You did a great job.
Ed D. (USA)
As I suspected your latest seminar was outstanding, even better rhan Gods in the Garden. The highest praise that I can bestow on you is that of “Teacher”.. Kudos.
Ralf K (Germany)
Couldn’t watch this new seminar from the very beginning, but what I saw and heard was just, what I am used to get at KSS: FIRST CLASS INFORMATION!!! Thank you one more time, Kevin, and please, PLEASE! don’t stop spreading the truth!
Roland S. (Sweden)
As I said many times before. Kevin is the most interesting guest at Kevin Smith Show As usual a dissection of what the Bible actually says, done by a sharp intellect. Awesome Kevin. My congratulations. You have done it again!