Monthly Archive: March, 2014

KSS | Cosmic Coverup | Dr. Rodney Gomes | 2012-05-23

Cosmic Coverup? Dr. Rodney Gomes, a true heavy-wight in the world of astronomy, spoke at the American Astronomical Society conference in Oregon (May 6-10, 2012). He said something that got his name taken off the list of speakers–AFTER he spoke. Bizzare. What was it that he said?

KSS | Freeman | 2011-08-31

Freeman is an award winning television producer, and the producer and host of freemantv and freemanradio. He is a noted and outspoken source of information of the alternative and estoric sort. He talks about the space war and what he believes is a connection between the Barak Obama family and the Ahkenaten (ancient Egyptian king) family. Strange stuff, but very interesting.

Kevin Smith | Seminar | Angels, Nephilim & Anunakki | Oct. 08-2011



Here are a few responses to the seminar on last Saturday called “Angels, Nephilim, & Anunakki”.

Annemarie (Canada)

Hi Kevin,
Thank you for your  seminar, ” Angels, Nephilim and Anunnaki, WOW It always ammazes me how everythiing I thought I knew was totally wrong.I hope I don’t have to go to a wedding mass anytime soon, I’ll probably start giggling.

It makes me wonder what was tossed out as too controversial Thank you again- brilliant!!

Donna L. (USA)

I just watched your seminar Angels, Nephilim & Annakki.  This show alone was worth more then the membership fee for two years.
You did a great job.

Ed D. (USA)

As I suspected your latest seminar was outstanding, even better rhan Gods in the Garden. The highest praise that I can bestow on you is that of “Teacher”.. Kudos.

Ralf K (Germany)

Couldn’t watch this new seminar from the very beginning, but what I saw and heard was just, what I am used to get at KSS: FIRST CLASS INFORMATION!!! Thank you one more time, Kevin, and please, PLEASE! don’t stop spreading the truth!

Roland S. (Sweden)

As I said many times before. Kevin is the most interesting guest at Kevin Smith Show As usual a dissection of what the Bible actually says, done by a sharp intellect. Awesome Kevin. My congratulations. You have done it again!

James Walbert and Dr. John Hall | Jan. 03-2011

James Walbert & Dr. John Hall discuss the fact that James Walbert has been involuntarily implanted with a tracking chip. He has no knowledge of when and how the chip was implanted, but it has been verified by Dr. Hall’s review of an MRI. They speak about electronic harrassment happening in America.

Evidence of ET Intervention? | Apr. 18-2011

Evidence of ET Intervention? Is there any actual evidence that points to the possibility (even probability) of extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs? Kevin details such evidence in this broadcast. He named names and provided pictorial evidence as well (on the TV channel). As he describes the photos, you will come to understand that there is strong evidence of something very out of the ordinary with one very famous family.


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