Daily Archive: July 27th, 2014

Cpt Robert Mc Donald | Cities in the Sea | Jan. 04-2012

Cities in the Sea – Cpt Robert Mc Donald – Cpt Robert McDonald is back with us and rocks our socks off once again as he talks about an upcoming expedition and submarine dive to explore an giant luminous triangle on the floor of the ocean. He says he is convinced it is NOT a geological formation, but an artificial construction.

Dave Corso | Fukushima a manufactured Disaster | Jan. 10-2012

Dave Corso, former super-soldier, and currently a radio host, joins Kevin in a discussion of the various theories (circulating on the internet) about Fukushima being a manufactured disaster. There is a lot of discussion and many perspectives presented here.

James Horak | The Space Race of Nations trying to get Men on the Moon | Jan. 11-2012

James Horak joins Kevin to discuss some sort of strange pieces of the puzzle about the current space race of nations trying to get men on the moon. This turns into one of those surprising Horak classic shows we have become accustomed to when James Horak is on the show.

Ziga Virc | USA brought Secret Space Program of Yugoslavia | Jan. 11-2012

Ziga Virc joins us live from Slovenia. He is the filmmaker who has rocked the world with his trailer that says the USA bought the secret space program of Yugoslavia in 1961. He talks about the film and his team’s investigation into this story. This is very powerful info.

Dr. Bob Melamede and Robert Kane | Cannabis Science-Medical Cure for Cancer | Jan. 28-2012

Dr. Bob Melamede and Robert Kane from Cannabis Science, Inc. talk about some rather spectacular medicinal benefits of cannabis extract such as actual cures for cancer. They also discuss some of the legal barriers to the production of medicinal cannabis products. Kane explains why a doctor cannot actually prescribe medicinal cannabis even in states where medicinal cannabis is legal.

Jeff Woolwine | Ancient Petroglyphs and strange Phenomena in Arizona | Jan. 30-2012

Jeff Woolwine is an expert in the ancient petroglyphs found in Arizona, a television host, and one of the most prolific videographers of strange phenomena in the skies over Arizona. He talks about his own research into and findings about the strange phenomena in the skies of Arizona.

James Horak | Eyewitness to Explosions over Ft.Worth-May 11-2011 | Feb. 14-2012

James Horak – never dull and usually jawdropping. James says he is eye witness to the amazing display of brilliant light “explosions” over Ft. Worth on May 11, 2011. He describes what was happening which flies in the face of the “official” explanation. What was it?

Who’s Your Daddy? | March 9-2012

Who’s Your Daddy? – Kevin discusses and exposes a vast forbidden zone of information about the real history of this planet. Saying it is much like the “Planet of the Apes”, he provides actual hard evidence that there were technologically advanced civilizations on Earth as far back as 2.8 billion years ago.

Walter Bosley | Airship Sightings of the 1890s and Anti-Gravity Research | March 12-2012

Walter Bosley discusses the mysterious airship sightings of the 1890s and their connection to anti-gravity research and development. He also talks about the reports that the Sonora Aero Club developed anti-gravity vehicles and flew to Mars as early as 1908.

Open Line Live | Update on Boxes on the Beach, UFO Event in Russia | March 16-2012

Open Line Live – Kevin presents an update on the mysterious boxes that appeared on beaches in Oregon, reporting his conversation with Dr. Hanshumaker. He then presents a very strange UFO event in Russia from a couple of days ago. The show then goes open line and the topics range from the boxes to orbs to preparedness for catastrophe. This show also has a caller who has been listening to KSS since it started back in Kosovo in 2000.
