Category: 2011

Laura Eisenhower | Nov. 02-2011

Laura Eisenhower – She is the great granddaughter of President Ike Eisenhower. Her previous visit with us is when she told us about being recruited for a secret survival colony on Mars. Tonight, she talks further about that, Ike’s meetings with extraterrestrials, and the control agenda of some extraterrestrials.

Princess Nakamaru | Nov. 07-2011

Princess Nakamaru – Granddaughter of Emperor Meiji, Princess Nakamaru is renowned as one of the top interviewers in journalsm in the world. She talks with us about coming world events, and what she thinks will be happening. She also talks about having had contact with top illuminati to get questions answered about their activities.

Anthony Sanchez | Nov. 11-2011

Author of “UFO Highway”, Sanchez is at the center of a lot of controversy within the ranks of UFOers. Caught in a fabrication, he has admitted it and explained why he did it, but he maintains that everything else about his book is truthful. He also tells about finding proof of U.S. government presence on the Archuleta Mesa where some have said there is a secret underground base. Hear it from him, and you be the judge.

Open Line Live | Nov. 25-2011

Open Line Live – Discussion of CSM James Norton’s mysterious death, and also the very unusual Bigfoot report given us last night by Sam Maranto. There is also discussion of the Russian Mars spacecraft that is “lost” in space, and the new NASA mars spacecraft that will launch this month. Kevin also reports on the new info out of Mexico about a second Mayan reference to December 21, 2012.

Pat Marcatilio | Dec. 08-2011

Pat Marcatilio is known as “Dr. UFO”. Pat is a guy who is just really interested in UFOs, their investigation, their history, the accounts of their sightings, etc. and has spent decades getting the information out to people in his local community. He has been holding monthly UFO meetings for decades and just held his 321st meeting. He also puts on 2 conferences per year which are well attended. Pat is a guy who is making a difference and is really a model for others who ask, “What can the average person do?” He is a real success story when it comes to UFO info and getting it to the people.


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