Category: 2012

More Mystery beneath the Baltic Sea | June 15-2012

More Mystery Beneath Baltic Sea – Kevin presents the updates, photos, and video of the “object” beneath the Baltic Sea. The videos and photos made public by Peter Linberg do not, Kevin says, look at all like the sonar image Lindberg released last year. Kevin asks if this is the same object at all.

Jorge Martin| Castro: UFOs & Alien Bodies | June 19-2012

Jorge Martin – Castro: UFOs & Alien Bodies. Jorge Martin is a major UFO publisher, and investigative journalist from Puerto Rico. He shares some astounding information about Fidel Castro having seen both a captured UFO and its dead alien pilot in the former Soviet Union. He also share some astounding info about evidence and eyewitness testimony of traversable wormholes from which UFOs come and go. Jeff, a listener, joins us to talk about having seen the same phenomena in Tennessee (USA).

Dr. Jeff Byrd | Antarctica, Signals from Bosnian Pyramid | June 22-2012

2 Gerat Mysteries: First Hour – Dr. Jeff Byrd, a distant relative of Adm Byrd talks about what he has learned and seen from within the family of Adm Byrd about the mysteries Adm Byrd discovered in Antarctica.

Second Hour – Kevin discusses the mysterious signal coming out of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and plays audio of that signal.

Peter Lindberg | Object on the Floor of the Baltic Sea | June 26-2012

Peter Lindberg is the OcenaX-Team leader. This is the team that discovered the ufo-like object on the floor of the Baltic Sea. A few days ago, the team dove to the object to photograph and video the object. They also did other more high-tech scans and data gathering. Mr. Lindberg joins us from Sweden and talks about what the team found.

Dr. Rebecca Carley | Open Line Live | Weaponized Rabies Virus | June 27-2012

Galactic Open Line Live! This open line show begins with Dr. Rebecca Carley as a guest talking about the “cannibal virus” which she says is weaponized rabies virus developed in labs. Then, the show goes open line with great calls from the listeners.

Dr. Rebecca Carley | Weaponized Rabies Virus Part 2 | June 28-2012

Dr. Rebecca Carley M.D. discusses the recent spate of cannibalism attacks and links them to a hybrid aerosolized form of rabies (a biological weapon developed by the USA). Kevin presents info from the USDA web site about the government dropping millions of packets of rabies “vaccine” on the USA each year.

Robbie Thomas | Time Shift | June 29-2012

Robbie Thomas, world renowned as a psychic profiler and crime solver, has written a novel called “Time Shift”. One of the most engaging new novels available, “Time Shift” is the subject of this show. Though fictional, it is based on some things that Robbie has seen about the future.

Micah Hanks | Other possible explanations for UFOs | July 2-2012

Micah Hanks is a writer and radio personality. His articles have appeared in many well known major publications. He is also a published author and public speaker. Micah Hanks discusses other possible explanations for UFOs other than the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Although he accepts that the ET hypothesis may be correct, he states reasons for looking at other possibilities as well.

Jim Marrs | UFO Information & The Giant Black Budget | July 9-2012

Jim Marrs, award winning journalist and author, talks about the links between the UFO information and the giant black budget dollars. He also talks about the media and their lack of journalism when it comes to UFO reports. As usual, he is very insightful and very comical.

You Are Still Under Attack – NASA Media Manipulation | July 11-2012

You Are Still Under Attack – Kevin discusses that perception manipulation is a powerful type of mind control. He then shows how NASA is still doing it with the altered photos they release and he shows the actual pictures he is discussing. He also deals with an article published by Fox News and also carried on Discovery News where the headline misleads the reader about the article.

Jeffrey Gonzalez | July 12-2012

Jeffrey Gonzalez – Director of Sanger Paranormal Society and State Section Director for MUFON in Fresno, Califonia talks about two recent brushes with media perception manipulation. One of those has to do with, he claims, NatGeo doing editing on his appearance in “Chasing UFOs” to make it appear he said something he did not say.

Jerry Wills | Vangelis and Evidence for Giant Skeletons found beneath Athens | July 16-2012

Jerry Wills discusses the evidence for giant skeletons found beneath Athens, and the Vangelis concert in 2001 from the Temple of Zeus (partially funded by NASA) that prays for the gods to return, a concert beamed live to Mars.


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