Category: Audio Archive 2008

John Hutchinson | Oct. 01-2008

John Hutchinson is the “mad scientist” who developed the Hutchinson Effect. The Hutchinson Effect is really a multiplicity of effects that happens when he directs high energy at varioius frequencies toward solid objects. Even cannon balls levitate. Major science agencies and scientists have been to his lab to watch and learn.

Lawrence Spencer | Oct. 21-2008

Lawrence Spencer is a published author and business consultant. He has recently published “Alien Interview”, a purported set of transcripts of interview with a surviving ET from the Roswell crash in 1947. He tells the amazing story of how the transcripts came into his possession, and an even more amazing story about what he did with the transcripts.

Jesse Marcel, Jr. | Oct. 27-2008

Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr. is the son of Maj. Jesse Marcel, Sr., the air intelligence officer who was dispatched to the “Roswell crash” site in 1947. He talks about seeing and handling debris from the crash as an 11 year old boy. And, he talks about his complete conviction that the crash was genuinely the crash of a craft not from this world.

David Eckhart | Oct. 28-2008

David Eckhart and his family thought they had ghosts in the house. He set up cameras to watch over them as they slept. The cameras documented they did have something that went bump in the night, but it wasn’t ghosts. It was what we call extraterrestrials. David presented his video of the ET and it was shown on our video channel.


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