Category: NASA

Is NASA Using An Old Viking Script? | Nov. 22-2012

Is NASA Using An Old Viking Script? – Kevin talks about the new “history making” discovery by the Curiosity Rover’s science team. He talks about why he thinks NASA is beginning to make sounds like they are going to do the old “Viking two-step” like they did back in 1975-6 with the Viking Lander’s find of biology on Mars.

Is NASA Doing A Replay? | Dec. 03-2012

Is NASA Doing A Replay? Kevin does a follow up on the Curiosity “data that’s gonna be one for the history books” and shows evidence that NASA is likely replaying their same script they used against the Viking Lander data that showed they found life on Mars in 1976.

Naked Titan | Dec. 28-2012

Naked Titan – Kevin goes into an in depth discussion of why life, even complex life, is possible in just about any planetary environment and why it is both arrogant and stupid to think a planet must be earth-like for life to exist there. He shows photos from Titan that have very artificial looking structures as possible evidence that complex life is there, or has been there. Very controversial…as per usual.

Jeff Byrd | Feb. 28-2011

Jeff Byrd is the owner of OmniSound Radio Network and is a Ph.D. in IT Security. He is also a consultant to the NSA for IT Security. Jeff talks about some of the “Star Trek” type technology that really is in development, and some is already functional and deployed. Though everything he says is info that is in the public domain, he brings to light some facts not generally known to the public.

Gordon Gianninoto Part II | June 29-2011

Gordon Gianninoto Part II – Gordon talks about ancient alien ruins on the moon. He also relates a conversation he had with an astronaut who told him there were, in fact, alien ruins all over the moon. He also discusses the pole shift he says is coming at some point in the not too distant future

Kevin Smith | July 20-2011

Kevin Smith discusses three big stories in the news that fall into the genre of KSS:
1. Hawass has been sacked,
2. Astronaut says on ABC Good Morning America that they are looking forward to ‘going back to Mars’ ,
3. Strange things happening on Antarctica.
Then he goes to Open Line.

More Mars Mysteries: Have you seen our dog? | July 27-2011

More Mars Mysteries: Have you seen our dog? Kevin answers an e-mail that questions why UFO investigation is even important at all. He uses the Beagle Lander mission of the ESA and the joint ESA/NASA mission to find the Beagle as an example of why investigation is important.

Open Line Live | Aug. 04-2011

OPEN LINE LIVE – Kevin goes into more detail about the Etruscan alphabet which he said (last night) is used in the cypher sent by the Zodiac Killer to a newspaper. He then talks about a revelation by NASA today that proves they have not been telling the truth about conditions on Mars. The phone lines are then opened and the callers talk about whatever is on their minds.


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